Weekly Game Jam #264, Day 3

by: TheHans255

July 31, 2022

Read Day 2 Here

Read Day 4 Here

I'm participating in the 264th Weekly Game Jam, a recurring game jam on The theme this week is "Many Islands", and yesterday I fixed up the water and did some work towards island modeling. Today we'll add the end goal and improve island behavior, and maybe model some islands!

Unfortunately, I did not end up doing much today, or the next day, for that matter. I did manage to add the escape ship, and did some work on modeling islands, but I found that my motivation to work on the project was severely sapped, and I couldn't manage many hours of work or much progress in the few hours of work I did do. So, I decided that, utilizing the two and a half days of game jam time I have left, I would scrap the project and start anew. Check out the next part in which I detail just how I do that!

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