Weekly Game Jam #264, Day 4

by: TheHans255

August 1, 2022

Read Day 3 Here

Read Day 5, 6, Postmortem Here

I'm participating in the 264th Weekly Game Jam, a recurring game jam on The theme this week is "Many Islands". The last few days were spent trying to work on a 3D platformer game to fit this theme, in which the player navigates multiple islands in an attempt to reach an escape ship. Here, I sit back and evaluate how development has been and begin on a new path forward.

When Things Stop Working, Find Out Why

There comes a time in every responsible developer's life where they sit back, reflect on a project that they've been working on, and say "This just isn't working." It could be for any number of reasons - they can't get development off the ground, the customers don't like it, the problem turned out to be far harder than anticipated, etc. And when that happens, the best response is to sit back and figure out why, and perhaps get things going again with a change to project, reallocation of resources, or another strategy.

Such was the case with me - I had this project in front of me that I was getting very little work done on and had very little motivation to complete, despite the ticking deadline. After three and a half days, all I had was a walking sim with boring islands, a boring goal, and water taken more or less straight from another game. Doing a little more work today in trying to model some vaguely more interesting islands, I found my efforts very sluggish and slow-going, and although I could see my goal of ziplining to another island closer within sight, I still struggled with how I would possibly make it fun. Overall, the game and everything in it were boring as sin, and I did not have the energy to make it better in its current state.

So, I asked: what was wrong? What are the issues I'm running into?

From that, I had my conclusion: I am motivated to make something, my idea seems good, I just severely lack some of the skills that I would need to execute it in the way I was envisioning. In a shorter game jam, I would respond to this by submitting an unfinished product with some basic semblance of gameplay, and move on with a new project. But since I have two and a half days left, I have time for another option: start over work on my game and make it work in 2D, where my skillset is far more fleshed out.

Retooling My Game For 2D

There are a few ideas in my game brainstorm - in particular, the islands being alive and migrating/swarming - that lend themselves better to 3D than 2D. One of these ideas made it into the plan for the jam, which is that the escape ship would be forced to move around relative to the player and would therefore need to indicate its location via a signal flare. If the ship stays in a static location, or there is another way to find it that can be expressed in 2D, that is no longer necessary.

As for navigating between islands, it would be pretty easy to can swimming as a viable strategy if the islands are designed correctly, and allow island navigation exclusively via zipline. When brainstorming this, I recognized two ways I could formulate the idea in a 2D side-scrolling context:

  1. I keep a virtual 3D grid of islands on the ocean, and use a mathematical formula to determine what islands the player can reach from their current island and height, and where the zipline would land. The islands would appear on a separate map screen or minimap, and the ship is at the island on the top right.
  2. I keep the islands in a purely 2D x/y plane, and ziplining is simply a matter of aiming toward the next island. The ship is at the island furthest to the right.

The former does allow multiple paths to victory, while the latter is easier to implement, so I think I'll be doing the latter for this jam. For both of these ideas, I can display a targeting reticule on the destination island to let the player decide exactly where they will land, eliminating the need to actually see the island in the distance at all times.

And with the game now thoroughly in 2D, I can now, instead of trying to use 3D modeling tools I've never used before, can use 2D asset tools I'm much more familiar with, such as Aseprite and GIMP. I did give a quick thought of the possibility of also switching engines to PICO-8, the 2D focused Lua fantasy console I used before, but I think it would still be a good idea to use Godot - honestly the only thing I think I'd need to figure out is how to draw a rope particle system, and there's probably a tutorial for that online.

Making Sprites

With the rest of the day, I put together some sprites. This took a little longer than anticipated, but went relatively smoothly since, ya know, I actually knew how to do sprite work. Here's what I ended up with at the end of the day:

My sprite sheet so far. Includes some environment blocks for grass, sand, and stone, plus a character and a targeting reticule.

I still need a few more frames for the main character (and honestly, perhaps a different main character), as well as some tiles for water and the escape ship, but this seems like a great groundwork for actually putting together the game!

And that's day 4! Join us next time for when we start with a fresh Godot project and actually make some 2D islands!

Copyright © 2022-2024, TheHans255. This work is licensed under the CA BY 4.0 license - permission is granted to share and adapt this content for personal and commercial use as long as credit is given to the creator.